Springwater Taekwondo
Club Prices
£45 per year (includes licence and insurance).
Initial payment also includes membership package and syllabus.
You are required to become a member after 4 lessons (up to this point you will covered by the club's insurance).
Our syllabus is extensive so It will take you 3 or 4 lessons to decide whether or not you wish to join us.
Lesson Fees
£6 each lesson - no contracts, just pay as you train.
First lesson free.
Grading Fees
This includes certificate and belt (if the candidate is unsuccessful the the re - test is free after completion of revision work).
Grading examinations are held every 3 to 4 months.
It is not compulsory to buy your equipment from the club.
Taekwondo suits and sparring equipment may be purchased through the club but can be bought at most sports shops these days.For your first few lessons you should wear a T - shirt and jogging bottoms.
You should not spend any money on training gear until you are sure you wish to take up Taekwondo. After becoming a member you will receive a club price list. We supply suits and sparring gear cheaply but once you have a price list you can make your own comparisons.